School Profile
Beyond the Numbers
Rock Quarry Elementary School provides instruction to 650 students in grades pre-K through five. A large percentage of these children represent families with different home languages. We have 62 staff members with 80% holding advanced degrees and 100% are fully certified in their area of teaching. RQES is a member of Powerful Conversations Network (PCN) provided through the Alabama Best Practice Center. We have a tremendous amount of parent participation at our school as demonstrated through an active PTA. We also have engaged school adopters and other various stakeholders.
Rock Quarry Elementary School
2000 Rock Quarry Drive
Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35406
Key Facts
- Ranked top 15 among Elementary Schools in Alabama.
- Member of PCN-Best Practice Center
- Established and Highly Qualified Faculty
- Diverse Population speaking more than 20 Languages.
Adopt-a-School Partners